Our Purpose

To provide a space where young men can be seen and valued.  To provide opportunities and structures to grow intellectually, emotionally, and physically through tutoring, mentorship, and fitness.

Students are selected/chosen to have the opportunity to partake.

Participation is Voluntary

Our Selection

Young men are chosen and given the opportunity to join The Training Grounds. Young men that appear to need more support behaviorally, emotinally, or academically or a combination of all three. Many of them have difficulties outside of school as well as lacking a strong male influence in their lives. They are selected by Teacher and Administrators. Parents can also request their son participate, but spots are limited.

If a student is selected, then they are offered to opportunity to join The Training Grounds. Participation is entirely voluntary and is never forced or assigned. Once a student and their parent(s) decide to join The Training Grounds, they must both read and sign the particpation form/waiver.

Intellectual Growth

30-40 min study table: 

  • Focused time devoted to getting assistance with missing assignments or tutoring in areas where they are struggling.  

  • Working in small groups.  

  • Improving self advocacy by emailing teachers and setting up meeting times.

Our Structure

Emotional Growth

5-10 minutes journal reflection/group discussion

  • 2-3 questions that teach them how to reflect and go deeper. 

  • We end with an application or a challenge to implement our concept that coming week.

  • The following week could be a group discussion based upon their responses.

    What is written or talked about here stays here!

Physical Growth

30-40 min workout

  • Slam balls, boxing, calisthenics, Crossfit, Heavy sleds, sandbags, running, battle ropes, more

  • Maximize your own level of personal struggle

  • Developing Grit

Our Expectations

1. If you are at school, you are required to be at group

2. Never put another man’s effort down, and never elevate yourself above another man

3. No more than 15 missing assignments

4. No major disciplinary Infractions 

Violating any of our expetations will earn you a strike.

Strike 1 earns you a written and verbal warning, but you are allowed to attend group that week.

Strike 2, you cannot attend that week and you are notified that you are down to your last opportunity to stay in group.

Strike 3, you are placed on a 4 week probation and not allowed to particpate in group in any way. At the end of the 4 weeks, you character will be reassessed and it will be determined if you will be allowed back, or if you spot will go to another young man.