What we do

They are guided, they are chosen, they are strong.

Getting Started

The Selection Process

Students can be nominated by teachers or parents to participate in The Training Grounds. Depending on the number of consistent mentors, the size of the group can fluctuate with the ideal group being between 15 - 25.

In order for a student to participate in the program, written (email is fine) consent from their parent or guardian stating two things is required.

  • Parents must give permission for their son to participate in the group knowing there is a time commitment and fitness component with potential physical risk.
  • Parents may/may not opt for their student to get a ride home if needed. This is crucial because, as most anyone knows, the kids who need assistance after school rarely have transportation.

The number of kids needing rides will determine the number of students that can be in the program.

The Training Grounds

How it works

When young men are chosen and given the opportunity to join, they start receiving support behaviorally, emotionally, and/or academically right away. Student participation is purely voluntary.

Intellectual Growth
Homework help & Accountability

We match students up with a mentor as needed to get help on homework. The mentors provide the accountability boys' need to keep on track academically and communicate with the teacher to see where there needs to be improvement.

Small Groups

Academic Assistance

Mentor Accountability

Teacher Communication

Emotional Growth
Reflection & Discussion

After study time, we transition into reflection time. We are very intentional about guiding the boys through the process of thinking deeply. This is a time to reflect, journal, and answer personal questions that will strengthen them emotionally.


Emotional Reflection

Group Discussion

Deep Thinking

Weekly Challenges

Physical Growth
Crossfit Workouts

This is the fun part. Students get to challenge themselves as they build muscle, endurance, and self confidence. We celebrate each others victories and push one another further. When the body wants to quit, that's when they develop grit.

Healthy Competition

Confidence & Respect

Learning Humility

Team Building

Developing Grit

If you're in, You're all in

What we expect

There are no low expectations here. This is a program for kids willing to put in the work to better their lives, it's not a place to goof off.

The basic guidelines we have in place are:

  • If the student goes to school that day, they go to The Training Grounds. There is no "I don't feel like it today" or "I'm too tired."
  • Students cannot have more than 15 missing assignments. Missing assignments is a sign of laziness — this is not a place for boys who want to be lazy, this is a place for men to work hard.
  • Large disciplinary infractions or multiple/habitual minor infractions can result in a probationary month out of the program. If the behavior improves, the student can return to the group.

With these rules, we are trying to train up men who take responsibility. Our 3 strike rule helps keep kids invested.

  • Strike 1 Written Warning of Infraction
  • Strike 2 Parents are Informed of Infraction
  • Strike 3 Last Chance at Redemption or Out of the Group

Mentors & Targets

One of the most important aspects of success in this program is the mentors. Ideally mentors are men who come from all different walks of life to give the kids a target or goal to aspire to.

Influential male figures for boys who may not have one at home

Wide array of experiences, vocations, upbringings, and skills

Providing inspiration, personal accountability, and respect for adults